30 April 2012

Introduction to Education Homework # 7

  Not in anyway giving anyone permission to plagiarize or copy this and also not verifying the authenticity of any of the information. Also note that there are probably no sources listed and I am not one myself, so don't quote me. This is just some of my homework; thought it might be interesting to someone:

Why does property tax create unequal funding for school systems?   What is the distinction between education equity and educational adequacy?

                Property tax creates unequal funding for school systems because wealthier areas will collect more property taxes and the idea of individualism prevents benefits from successes. The value of both homes and land around the United States varies greatly from state to state, and within states, causing different amounts of taxes to be drawn for each area. The effect on schools is that in wealthier areas with larger, more valuable homes, more funding will be raised for the local education system. Individual states also play a role by choosing whether or not to raise, lower, or restrict the amount of property taxes charged each year. Overall, this system not only creates a sort of class inequality among adjacent areas, but makes the national quality of education very inconsistent.
                Another issue that Americans have with education is the idea of individual success and its relative value. For example, if each year’s successful students from the worst St. Petersburg and Tampa high schools stayed in their respective areas and bought or built nice homes in the areas and put money back into those neighborhoods, those schools would eventually receive increases in funding and be able to improve the surround areas. But, what will mostly likely happen is each year’s successful students will move to a wealthier neighborhood, in a wealthier area, and their tax money will go into a nicer school system, leaving their old one high and dry. Many Americans feel entitled to the lifestyle that they have and either do not realize or do not care that the same opportunities are not afforded to everyone.
                Educational adequacy and equity are two beliefs regarding the funding of education. Proponents of educational adequacy are essentially promoting a No Child Left Behind Act strategy; demand higher standards and school accountability without providing any additional funding or resources to achieve progress. Educational equity is the idea that the rest of the world uses, which is that money affects the quality of education and equal funding is the only way to have equality in schools. In many other countries, additional money is provided per student if they are an immigrant or minority. This is almost the opposite of how school funding realistically supports students in America. 

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